We knew he had come long ago. It's been over a year since Sony made a deal and wonder that would bring about one of the characters in the most popular comic book in the world into a global film Marvel. Today, we finally got our first look at MCU Spider-Man as part of the latest trailer for Captain America: Civil War. While we spent only a few seconds with him until that time has taught us a bit about the new version of the wall-crawler.
Here's what we found:
He was a man of iron group
We have no doubt that this will be the case. The new market has made it clear that Iron Man has been a large number of six-member group, compared to only five for the formulation. Also, Spider-Man party with Tony Stark is an important part of the original comic book war inspired movie Captain America: Civil War. Still, it was exciting to hear Iron Man calling on his new friends that he was called the «Underoos". Which is perfect.
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