When Star Wars: Force is currently filming in awakening studio in London city, millions of fans Star Wars cried when they learned that Mr. Harrison Ford has broken his while recording on the company's board Falcon Millennium sets. Large door fell on the actor put him out of action. One of their main actors on the shelf caused many headaches for the production of the film. It looks like a real headache is not over yet, as the studio is being sued for accidents.

    Britain's Health today announced that CEO of safe production responsibility for the Millennium Falcon, Foodles Manufacturing (UK) Ltd, will be sentenced for the event. According to the health, safety and the environment after an investigation found at least four separate violations of health and safety legislation that Foodles not take reasonable steps required to protect workers. Foodles parent company Disney is true, so that eventually they will become part of dealing with this. The exact nature of the abuse is difficult to small thanks to the mess isolating beautiful language, is legal but basically, it comes down to the idea that the door hydraulic in question qualified machinery accidents, and the maker did not take reasonable steps to recognize the danger potential and then protected against it. The hearing is set for May 12 for the company to appear before a magistrate. It was not clear what kind of punishment is possible, if they are found guilty. We assume at the very least, it would be very expensive.

    It was June 4 201 when the injury occurred. It sends the entire shoot go in chaos, causing J.J. Abrams shoot scenes around the actor. Now that the movie was released, we see clearly what the deal is large. As part Harrison Ford in Star Wars: The Awakening forces is larger than the other actors. He was standing right next clue CEO of Daisy and John Boyega throughout most of the movie. No Han Solo on the film. That's what Mr. Abrams said basically that happened even though now he felt the danger, as scary as it is, is a kind of blessing in disguise, it's forcing a manufacturer to suspend him and look at the film and make some adjustments.

    Ultimately, the purpose of these regulations is to keep people safe. Hopefully this will be the final reminder to those involved to be more careful so that no one else has been adversely affected. Part VIII was postponed once already, please do not make it any worse.

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